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Carlos Santana Addresses Beyonce & Adele Controversy Says Comments Taken Out Of Context

Carlos Santana catch some serious estrus from Beyonce beehives after the Grammys on Dominicus night over some comments that he made.

The legendary musician congratulates Adele on dominating the Grammys this twelvemonth and winning Album of the Yr over Beyonce. Some folks including Kendrick Lamar and even Adele thinks that Queen Bey should have won that Grammy. Santana thinks that Adele won considering she is a existent singer and Beyonce is not.

"I think that Adele won because she can sing, sing," he said in an interview in Australia. "With all respect to our sister BeyoncĂ©, BeyoncĂ© is very beautiful to look at and information technology'southward more like modeling kind of music ? music to model a dress ? she'southward not a singer, singer, with all respect to her… She doesn't bring all the dancers and props, she can just stand there and she just stood there and sang the song and that's it, and this is why she wins."

In a message posted on Facebook, Carlos Santana says his comments were taken out of context. "I would like to analyze a comment that was reported when I was doing an interview for some upcoming shows in Australia & New Zealand," he said. "My intent was to congratulate Adele on her amazing nighttime at the Grammies. My comment nearly Beyonce was regretfully taken out of context. I have the utmost respect for her as an artist and a person. She deserves all the accolades that come up her fashion. I wish Beyonce and her family all the best."


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