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Which Variables Are Continuous Which Are Categorical Mtcars

Categorical Data



In this document, we will introduce you to functions for exploring and visualizing categorical data.


We have modified the mtcars data to create a new data set mtcarz. The only difference between the two data sets is related to the variable types.

                                          str(mtcarz)                              #> 'data.frame':    32 obs. of  11 variables:                                            #>  $ mpg : num  21 21 22.8 21.4 18.7 18.1 14.3 24.4 22.8 19.2 ...                                            #>  $ cyl : Factor w/ 3 levels "4","6","8": 2 2 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 2 ...                                            #>  $ disp: num  160 160 108 258 360 ...                                            #>  $ hp  : num  110 110 93 110 175 105 245 62 95 123 ...                                            #>  $ drat: num  3.9 3.9 3.85 3.08 3.15 2.76 3.21 3.69 3.92 3.92 ...                                            #>  $ wt  : num  2.62 2.88 2.32 3.21 3.44 ...                                            #>  $ qsec: num  16.5 17 18.6 19.4 17 ...                                            #>  $ vs  : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 ...                                            #>  $ am  : Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...                                            #>  $ gear: Factor w/ 3 levels "3","4","5": 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 ...                                            #>  $ carb: Factor w/ 6 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 4 4 1 1 2 1 4 2 2 4 ...                                    

Cross Tabulation

The ds_cross_table() function creates two way tables of categorical variables.

                                          ds_cross_table(mtcarz, cyl, gear)                              #>     Cell Contents                                            #>  |---------------|                                            #>  |     Frequency |                                            #>  |       Percent |                                            #>  |       Row Pct |                                            #>  |       Col Pct |                                            #>  |---------------|                                            #>                                                            #>  Total Observations:  32                                                            #>                                                            #> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |              |                           gear                            |                                            #> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |          cyl |            3 |            4 |            5 |    Row Total |                                            #> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |            4 |            1 |            8 |            2 |           11 |                                            #> |              |        0.031 |         0.25 |        0.062 |              |                                            #> |              |         0.09 |         0.73 |         0.18 |         0.34 |                                            #> |              |         0.07 |         0.67 |          0.4 |              |                                            #> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |            6 |            2 |            4 |            1 |            7 |                                            #> |              |        0.062 |        0.125 |        0.031 |              |                                            #> |              |         0.29 |         0.57 |         0.14 |         0.22 |                                            #> |              |         0.13 |         0.33 |          0.2 |              |                                            #> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |            8 |           12 |            0 |            2 |           14 |                                            #> |              |        0.375 |            0 |        0.062 |              |                                            #> |              |         0.86 |            0 |         0.14 |         0.44 |                                            #> |              |          0.8 |            0 |          0.4 |              |                                            #> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> | Column Total |           15 |           12 |            5 |           32 |                                            #> |              |        0.468 |        0.375 |        0.155 |              |                                            #> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                    

If you want the above result as a tibble, use ds_twoway_table().

                                          ds_twoway_table(mtcarz, cyl, gear)                              #> Joining, by = c("cyl", "gear", "count")                                            #> # A tibble: 8 x 6                                            #>   cyl   gear  count percent row_percent col_percent                                            #>   <fct> <fct> <int>   <dbl>       <dbl>       <dbl>                                            #> 1 4     3         1  0.0312      0.0909      0.0667                                            #> 2 4     4         8  0.25        0.727       0.667                                                            #> 3 4     5         2  0.0625      0.182       0.4                                                            #> 4 6     3         2  0.0625      0.286       0.133                                                            #> 5 6     4         4  0.125       0.571       0.333                                                            #> 6 6     5         1  0.0312      0.143       0.2                                                            #> 7 8     3        12  0.375       0.857       0.8                                                            #> 8 8     5         2  0.0625      0.143       0.4                                    

A plot() method has been defined which will generate:

Grouped Bar Plots

                              k <-                                    ds_cross_table(mtcarz, cyl, gear)                                  plot(k)                          

Stacked Bar Plots

                              k <-                                    ds_cross_table(mtcarz, cyl, gear)                                  plot(k,                  stacked =                  TRUE)                          

Proportional Bar Plots

                              k <-                                    ds_cross_table(mtcarz, cyl, gear)                                  plot(k,                  proportional =                  TRUE)                          

Frequency Table

The ds_freq_table() function creates frequency tables.

                                          ds_freq_table(mtcarz, cyl)                              #>                              Variable: cyl                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> Levels     Frequency    Cum Frequency       Percent        Cum Percent                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>    4          11             11              34.38            34.38                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>    6           7             18              21.88            56.25                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>    8          14             32              43.75             100                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>  Total        32              -             100.00              -                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                    

A plot() method has been defined which will create a bar plot.

                          k <-                                ds_freq_table(mtcarz, cyl)                              plot(k)                      

Multiple One Way Tables

The ds_auto_freq_table() function creates multiple one way tables by creating a frequency table for each categorical variable in a data set. You can also specify a subset of variables if you do not want all the variables in the data set to be used.

                                          ds_auto_freq_table(mtcarz)                              #>                              Variable: cyl                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> Levels     Frequency    Cum Frequency       Percent        Cum Percent                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>    4          11             11              34.38            34.38                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>    6           7             18              21.88            56.25                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>    8          14             32              43.75             100                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>  Total        32              -             100.00              -                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>                                                            #>                              Variable: vs                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> Levels     Frequency    Cum Frequency       Percent        Cum Percent                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>    0          18             18              56.25            56.25                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>    1          14             32              43.75             100                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>  Total        32              -             100.00              -                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>                                                            #>                              Variable: am                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> Levels     Frequency    Cum Frequency       Percent        Cum Percent                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>    0          19             19              59.38            59.38                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>    1          13             32              40.62             100                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>  Total        32              -             100.00              -                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>                                                            #>                             Variable: gear                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> Levels     Frequency    Cum Frequency       Percent        Cum Percent                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>    3          15             15              46.88            46.88                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>    4          12             27              37.5             84.38                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>    5           5             32              15.62             100                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>  Total        32              -             100.00              -                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>                                                            #>                             Variable: carb                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> Levels     Frequency    Cum Frequency       Percent        Cum Percent                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>    1           7              7              21.88            21.88                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>    2          10             17              31.25            53.12                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>    3           3             20              9.38             62.5                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>    4          10             30              31.25            93.75                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>    6           1             31              3.12             96.88                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>    8           1             32              3.12              100                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>  Total        32              -             100.00              -                                                            #> -----------------------------------------------------------------------                                    

Multiple Two Way Tables

The ds_auto_cross_table() function creates multiple two way tables by creating a cross table for each unique pair of categorical variables in a data set. You can also specify a subset of variables if you do not want all the variables in the data set to be used.

                                          ds_auto_cross_table(mtcarz, cyl, gear, am)                              #>     Cell Contents                                            #>  |---------------|                                            #>  |     Frequency |                                            #>  |       Percent |                                            #>  |       Row Pct |                                            #>  |       Col Pct |                                            #>  |---------------|                                            #>                                                            #>  Total Observations:  32                                                            #>                                                            #>                                 cyl vs gear                                                            #> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |              |                           gear                            |                                            #> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |          cyl |            3 |            4 |            5 |    Row Total |                                            #> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |            4 |            1 |            8 |            2 |           11 |                                            #> |              |        0.031 |         0.25 |        0.062 |              |                                            #> |              |         0.09 |         0.73 |         0.18 |         0.34 |                                            #> |              |         0.07 |         0.67 |          0.4 |              |                                            #> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |            6 |            2 |            4 |            1 |            7 |                                            #> |              |        0.062 |        0.125 |        0.031 |              |                                            #> |              |         0.29 |         0.57 |         0.14 |         0.22 |                                            #> |              |         0.13 |         0.33 |          0.2 |              |                                            #> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |            8 |           12 |            0 |            2 |           14 |                                            #> |              |        0.375 |            0 |        0.062 |              |                                            #> |              |         0.86 |            0 |         0.14 |         0.44 |                                            #> |              |          0.8 |            0 |          0.4 |              |                                            #> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> | Column Total |           15 |           12 |            5 |           32 |                                            #> |              |        0.468 |        0.375 |        0.155 |              |                                            #> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>                                                            #>                                                            #>                          cyl vs am                                                            #> -------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |              |                     am                     |                                            #> -------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |          cyl |            0 |            1 |    Row Total |                                            #> -------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |            4 |            3 |            8 |           11 |                                            #> |              |        0.094 |         0.25 |              |                                            #> |              |         0.27 |         0.73 |         0.34 |                                            #> |              |         0.16 |         0.62 |              |                                            #> -------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |            6 |            4 |            3 |            7 |                                            #> |              |        0.125 |        0.094 |              |                                            #> |              |         0.57 |         0.43 |         0.22 |                                            #> |              |         0.21 |         0.23 |              |                                            #> -------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |            8 |           12 |            2 |           14 |                                            #> |              |        0.375 |        0.062 |              |                                            #> |              |         0.86 |         0.14 |         0.44 |                                            #> |              |         0.63 |         0.15 |              |                                            #> -------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> | Column Total |           19 |           13 |           32 |                                            #> |              |        0.594 |        0.406 |              |                                            #> -------------------------------------------------------------                                            #>                                                            #>                                                            #>                          gear vs am                                                            #> -------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |              |                     am                     |                                            #> -------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |         gear |            0 |            1 |    Row Total |                                            #> -------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |            3 |           15 |            0 |           15 |                                            #> |              |        0.469 |            0 |              |                                            #> |              |            1 |            0 |         0.47 |                                            #> |              |         0.79 |            0 |              |                                            #> -------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |            4 |            4 |            8 |           12 |                                            #> |              |        0.125 |         0.25 |              |                                            #> |              |         0.33 |         0.67 |         0.38 |                                            #> |              |         0.21 |         0.62 |              |                                            #> -------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> |            5 |            0 |            5 |            5 |                                            #> |              |            0 |        0.156 |              |                                            #> |              |            0 |            1 |         0.16 |                                            #> |              |            0 |         0.38 |              |                                            #> -------------------------------------------------------------                                            #> | Column Total |           19 |           13 |           32 |                                            #> |              |        0.594 |        0.406 |              |                                            #> -------------------------------------------------------------                            


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