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Is It Ok to Eat Romaine Lettuce Again

Eating The Rainbow: Why Eating a Variety of Fruits and Vegetables Is Important for Optimal Wellness

vii min read

Eating the rainbow is a primal good for you eating tip. (And no, not artificially colored foods similar Skittles or M&Ms!)

But what does information technology hateful? Why is it important to get a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables in your diet?

Yous may be tempted to find a few foods y'all or your kids or family members like and to focus on eating those. And it tin can be easy to fall into routines. But the truth is: Our bodies benefit from variety. For optimal health, nosotros need a rainbow of nutrients and colors.

In fact, the multifariousness of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables take enormous healing powers. And many of them bring their own distinctive colors.

Eating a variety of colorful foods tin be an piece of cake way to become a complete range of the vitamins and minerals your torso needs to thrive.

The communication to "eat the rainbow" is oft used with kids. And while kids especially need a diversity of foods in their diets, so do adults.

Why Are Fruits and Vegetables So Many Different Colors?

Each color in fruits and vegetables is caused by specific phytonutrients, which are natural chemicals that assist protect plants from germs, bugs, the sun's harmful rays, and other threats.

And each color indicates an abundance of specific nutrients.

Virtually Americans Aren't Getting the Range of Colorful Foods They Need

Co-ordinate to a 2009 phytonutrients report (based on data from the National Health and Diet Examination Surveys),eight out of ten people in the Us are falling short in virtually every color category of phytonutrients.

Based on the report,

  • 69% of Americans are falling short in greenish phytonutrients
  • 78% of Americans are falling short in red phytonutrients
  • 86% of Americans are falling short in white phytonutrients
  • 88% of Americans are falling short in purple and blue phytonutrients
  • 79% of Americans are falling curt in yellow and orange phytonutrients

Now, permit's take a look at what the color of your food tin can tell you about its nutrition — and at how you can get more than of the colorful range of phytonutrients to help your body function at its best.

Red Fruits and Vegetables Help Fight Cancer, Reduce the Risk of Diabetes and Centre Disease, Better Skin Quality, and More

red bell peppers

Red fruits and vegetables contain phytochemicals, including lycopene and ellagic acid. These powerful nutrients have been studied for their cancer-fighting effects and other health benefits.

For case, a daily dose of tomato sauce has been found to reverse the progression of prostate cancer.  Watermelon is even higher in lycopene than tomatoes, and the lycopene may be more bioavailable.

Watermelon is also rich in a phytonutrient called citrulline, which may piece of work as a handling for mild to moderate erectile dysfunction.

Too, strawberries accept been found to prevent and fifty-fifty reverse esophageal cancer.

Getting your phytonutrients from whole foods is best. In fact, taking phytonutrients, like lycopene and beta-carotene, in supplement form because may increase the risk of cancer. But consuming these phytonutrients in whole-nutrient grade, like tomato sauce, has been establish to decrease the take chances of cancer.

Examples of Healthy Red Foods to Try

  • Red peppers
  • Tomatoes
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Watermelon
  • Apples
  • Cranberries
  • Cherries
  • Grapes
  • Red onions
  • Pomegranate
  • Beets

Orange and Yellowish Fruits and Vegetables Meliorate Immune Function, Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease, Promote Eye Health, and More


Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C and carotenoids, including beta-carotene. Some carotenoids, most notably beta-carotene, convert to vitamin A inside the torso, which helps promote healthy vision and cell growth.

Citrus fruits contain a unique phytonutrient chosen hesperidin, which helps to increment blood flow. This has important health ramifications. If y'all tend to become cold easily and feet, eating an orangish a twenty-four hours may assist keep your hands and feet warm. More importantly, consuming citrus may besides reduce your gamble of stroke.

Examples of Healthy Orange and Yellow Foods to Try

  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit
  • Lemons
  • Mangoes
  • Papayas
  • Carrots
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Winter squash (butternut, kabocha, delicata, acorn)
  • Yellow summer squash
  • Corn
  • Cantaloupe
  • Orangish and xanthous peppers
  • Aureate beets
  • Pineapple
  • Peaches

Light-green Fruits and Vegetables Heave the Immune System, Assist Detoxify the Trunk, Restore Energy and Vitality, and More than

avocado, limes, and other green foods

Greens are one of healthiest foods we tin can eat. Green fruits and vegetables are rich in lutein, isothiocyanates, isoflavones, and vitamin One thousand — which is essential for claret and bone health.

In add-on, green vegetables are rich in folate – a nutrient especially important for pregnant women to consume to assist prevent congenital disabilities.

Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, have been shown to enhance immune function, while night leafy greens like kale may improve mood.

Kiwi fruit has been shown to help alleviate a wide array of maladies, from the common common cold to IBS to insomnia, and may even help repair DNA damage.

Examples of Healthy Greenish Foods to Endeavour

  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Collard greens
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Green grapes
  • Green apples
  • Asparagus
  • Spinach
  • Swiss chard
  • Arugula
  • Green beans
  • Peas
  • Zucchini
  • Kiwi fruit
  • Avocado
  • Edamame

Blue and Majestic Fruits and Vegetables Fight Cancer and Unwanted Inflammation and Help Keep You Young

eggplant in a basket

Blue and regal fruits and vegetables are rich in phytonutrients, including anthocyanins and resveratrol, and have been studied extensively for their anti-cancer and anti-crumbling properties.

Studies show that the bioactive phytochemicals in berries work to repair damage from oxidative stress and inflammation.

Red cabbage, which is purple, is i of the all-time superfood bargains and has the highest level of antioxidants per dollar.

Examples of Good for you Blue and Majestic Foods to Effort

  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Red (purple) grapes
  • Red (purple) cabbage
  • Eggplant
  • Plums
  • Prunes
  • Figs

Learn more about why regal foods are healthy, which ones you should be eating, and some delicious recipes here.

White and Chocolate-brown Fruits and Vegetables Protect Against Certain Cancers, Proceed Bones Stiff, and Are A Centre-Good for you Choice


White and brown produce may non be as brightly colored as other foods, but they still are a healthy option and have phytonutrients.

Like broccoli, cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable rich in an anti-cancer compound chosen sulforaphane. Garlic and onions are in the allium family unit of vegetables and contain the powerful cancer-fighting compounds allicin and quercetin.

And phytonutrients in white button mushrooms have been found to inhibit aromatase action and breast cancer cell proliferation.

Examples of Healthy White and Brown Foods to Endeavour

  • Cauliflower
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Mushrooms
  • Potatoes
  • Parsnips
  • Daikon radish
  • Jicama

Browse our illustrative guide to each food colour and discover the health benefits for including them in your daily diet.
Produced past Swissotel Hotels & Resorts

Tips to Aid You Eat the Rainbow Every 24-hour interval

Yes, eating a variety of colorful foods is proficient for your wellness. Just how exercise you make that happen?

Use these tips to create more colorful meals:

  • Eat a beautiful breakfast. Instead of tiresome bagels, eggs, or yogurt, start your day with a green smoothie, oatmeal topped with cerise berries, or a scramble filled with red peppers, mushrooms, carrots, or other colorful veggies.
  • Enjoy exciting salads. Large, colorful salads are the perfect way to comprise lots of colorful veggies (and fruits!) into your diet. Consume them for tiffin or dinner. And try to have at to the lowest degree one per twenty-four hour period.
  • Liven upward your tiffin. Veggie sandwiches and wraps (including lettuce wraps) and soups, stews, and chili can help your become a balanced selection of colorful foods for lunch.
  • Brand vegetables the main dish. Try new recipes for dishes, such as tempeh vegetable stir-fries, vegetable curries, and Buddha bowls.
  • Brand a rainbow meal. Effort creating a repast that uses every color — carmine, orangish, xanthous, green, bluish, purple, white, and chocolate-brown. (If you take kids, they may love this thought.)

Recipe Ideas to Inspire You lot to Add Colour and Multifariousness to Your Meals

Hither are some colorful recipes to assistance you eat the rainbow.


Favorite Overnight Oats from Heavenlynn Healthy

bowl of oats, strawberries, and blueberries


Pink and Purple Detox Salad from Maria Marlowe

bowl of green and purple salad


Rad Raw Rainbow Pad Thai by Angela Lidden at Oh She Glows

bowl of pad thai

The dressing in this pad thai uses some sweetener and oil, which tin exist left out or replaced.

Mediterranean Quinoa Basin with Garlic Roasted Chickpeas and Roasted Crimson Pepper Sauce by Emily Honeycutt at Deliciously Light-green!

bowl of quinoa

How to Larn to Dearest Vegetables and Fruits

If you lot grew up eating only a few fruits and vegetables, you might not take developed an appreciation for produce. But don't worry. Yous can retrain your sense of taste buds to dear broccoli, kale, and beets!

Hither'southward what you can do for yourself and for kids:

Step 1 : Avert processed food with lots of meat, cheese, salt, and saccharide. These foods overstimulate your sense of taste buds and put yous into the Pleasure Trap, making fresh fruits and vegetables taste boring in comparison.

Step 2: Effort new vegetables and fruits over and over once more in unlike ways. Information technology can take up to 12-eighteen tastes to acquire a taste for a new food. And then, if y'all once hated arugula or mushrooms, that's okay. Endeavour once again in a unlike recipe. You might surprise yourself.

How Do You Swallow the Rainbow?

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  • What did you lot acquire from this article?

  • What questions practise yous take?

  • What steps volition y'all take to add together more colorful fruits and vegetables to your life?


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